Fall is the indicator of chilly winter weather. As you all know, Arizona is a desert state which means nights are colder than days, and as the months progress, the weather gets harsher and harsher. So, while you are enjoying the last bits of the summer season, it is crucial to prepare your HVAC unit for both fall and winter.
Here are four easy tips that you can follow to keep your HVAC system running. As a disclaimer, we believe that the HVAC system should be handled by technicians as there are tiny details attached with the system that non-technical people leave out. As a result, the HVAC system shows more glitches with time. In this article, I am going to share basic preparation steps that even non-technical people can follow; however, consult a technician if your HVAC system is complicated.
Do a thorough inspection of the furnace.
Although the furnace does not run in the summer season, there are still several problems that can arise in its chambers. Do a thorough checking of the furnace so that it gets ready for the winter season. Here are a few things to look for in a furnace:
Check the moisture in the vent pipe.
Analyze the sounds that the furnace makes while running. If any abnormal sound comes it means that the furnace might need a technical hand.
If the room temperature fluctuates on its own and you are unable to fix the issue.
If you experience any of the above-mentioned issues while running your furnace or during the checking procedure, immediately call an HVAC expert so that the problem can be resolved immediately.
Analyze the Thermostat.
Throughout the summer season in Prescott, people avoid using furnaces due to the sweltering heat. Once it is on the run, make sure that the temperature sets comfortably. You would want the HVAC system to be turned on immediately once the temperature drops.
Change the furnace filter.
Changing the filter of the furnace is an easy task that one can do by themselves and does not require an expert hand. The first thing to do is to analyze what kind of filter works best for your furnace; either check out the user manual or the previous filter. Most furnaces require filter change after every three months; therefore, keep a keen track. A clogged filter can irreparably damage the furnace's work.
Schedule furnace maintenance before its cold:
Every year make a schedule of furnace maintenance. The bi-annual visit of the HVAC expert keeps the system working at its peak. If you want to switch over the furnace performance (from electric to propane), you can also consult the HVAC system handling companies.
Here, we have talked about the four tips that everyone with a HVAC system must acknowledge before the fall turns into cold winter. People of Prescott know how chilling it gets in the cold season; therefore, it is important to have a proper check of the furnace and thermostat before it gets unbearable.